August 12, 2013

Changing Solid Edge Modeling Standard and Default Templates

Recently there was a post on the new Siemens PLM Community forums (if you’re not a member of the new Solid Edge forums you should be!) about "Changing line dimensions to inches".

The preference for the Solid Edge modeling standard is defined when you first install Solid Edge:

This setting cannot be easily changed once Solid Edge is installed without some hacking.

February 20, 2013

Associating STEP Files in Windows Explorer to Open Into Single Instance of Solid Edge

A while back I posted on how to open 2D AutoCAD .dwg and .dxf files by opening from Windows Explorer into a single instance of Solid Edge.  Recently saw a request for similar functionality but for opening 3D STEP (.step and .stp) files by default from Windows Explorer into Solid Edge.

January 29, 2013

New - Automate Creating SharePoint, Insight and FTP Network Location Shortcuts

A while back I had posted a script for automating the creation of SharePoint and Insight Network Location shortcuts.  Recently I had someone request the ability to also include FTP addresses into the script.  So without any further to-do, here is an updated version of the script that allows the automated creation of http, https, and ftp addresses for Network Locations shortcuts.

August 29, 2012

Forcing Solid Edge ST5 License Manager to Install on Windows Server 2003

Solid Edge ST5 currently blocks installing the Solid Edge License Manager onto the Windows 2003 operating system.  There is a workaround to force installing the Solid Edge ST5 License Manager onto Windows 2003.

Force Blocked Software to Install onto Unsupported Operating System Versions

Sometimes programs are blocked from being installed onto certain versions of operating systems even though those programs may actually run fine without any issues once installed.  Perhaps it is newer software and the vendor doesn’t support (either intentionally or unintentionally) an older version of the operating system with a new release of software i.e. ST5 Solid Edge License Manager on Windows Server 2003:

August 28, 2012

Increasing Solid Edge Command Ribbon Button Size

If you have a high resolution monitor or a visual impairment the default buttons and icons in the Solid Edge Command Ribbon may be too small to see.  There is a way in Solid Edge to increase the size of these icons and buttons.