December 21, 2011

Using Solid Edge Quicksheets to Predefine Drawing Layouts

The Cadconsult PLM guys over in New Zealand have published a great article on using Solid Edge Quicksheets to predefine and standardize (standardise) your Solid Edge drawing layouts.  Go check it out:

Quicksheets – Standardizing your drawings

December 15, 2011

Optimizing Insight and Teamcenter SQL Server Performance in a Virtual Environment

SQL Server Pro has a great post by Denny Cherry with seven tips for optimizing SQL Server on the vSphere and Hyper-V virtual platforms.  Given that many Insight and Teamcenter customers are running SQL Server databases for their PLM backbone this article is a must read:

December 12, 2011

Slow Solid Edge ST4 Startup Times

With ST4 MP2 and earlier an issue has been discovered that can result in slow Solid Edge startup times.  Specifically the issue revolves around the Most Recently used (MRU) list.